C (89/254)

From:Daithi O'Cuinn
Date:23 Apr 00 at 19:55:24
Subject:Re: Minterms

Hello andrewmarkwell@ukonline.co.uk

On 23-Apr-00, andrewmarkwell@ukonline.co.uk wrote:

> I have a similar problem, I use this method too - for scrolling
> purposes I use ClipBlit() iwhich seems slightly faster than
> BltBitMapRastPort() (it's still not Mika Hakkinen tho :/ ). I read
> somewhere about a utility that forces all blitting operations to be
> done by the CPU instead of the hardware blitter, but I've forgotten
> what it was called.

FBlit? But I should have mentioned that I was using CGFX V4 on a BVPPC, which
I would expect to be a Mika Hakkinen! ;) The whole machine grinds to a halt
until the blit is done, even the mouse pointer!

I am investigating a different strategy in which I write the tiles directly to
the windows rastport using the excellent guigfx library (you might want to
take a look at this, BTW, speed seems pretty good), but this is flickery.
Surely my mighty GFX board is capable of whacking a 600x400 odd piece of
screen about in less than 3 seconds!! I specify the BitMap like so:

map_scratch = AllocBitMap(1024, 1024, 8, NULL, win->RPort->BitMap)

And it gets blitted to a CGFX 16 bit screen by

BltBitMapRastPort(map_scratch, 0, 0, win->RPort, mapx, mapy, mapw, maph,

Am I missing something obvious, or is this method just always going to be too

Hoping someone can help!

Daithi O'Cuinn

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